Act 1: The premiere
Rand and Gung-ho argue over hosting rights, while Lady Jaye interviews a shag-happy Wallace in Action Theater's premiere episode.
Backstage 3.75: The Cameraman speaks
Tony the Camera Guy takes a moment out of his busy schedule to try to explain some of the show's technical troubles while being assaulted by miniature power rangers. Xena and Megatron discuss detachable marital aides.
"A Death In the Family" or "The Shadow Falls Darker..."
Action Theater is stunned by the sudden death of one of the cast members. Frostbite in particular has trouble coping with reality...
"Episode 4: A New Dope" or "Slap-o-matic 9000"
The mysterious cloaked figure hangs Rand out to dry in this highly anticipated episode and some corporate nazis suffer painful torture and embarrassing rashes for your amusement.
"Sweeps Week" or "Someone's Been Sleeping In My Bed"
Darkside Duke attempts to spice up the programming schedule by combining the Network and Mtv formulas for success into a single show that will help him rule the galaxy! In theory, anyway.
"So, you wanna be a hero?" or "Holy Jonah and the Big Fish"
Megatron and Callisto vs. Darkside Duke in the anti-climax of the century!
"Everyone take it to the man" or "Pat my patootie and call me Spanky"
Darkside Duke refuses to die! Someone stop the insanity! Also, the premiere of Wildbaron reviews!
"Darkside's Demise" or "I know there's a funny quote in here somewhere, but I just can't find it"
Hell freezes over! Darkside Duke defeated! Woohoo!
"Frequently Asked Opinions" or "Tales From the Round File"
The janitors respond to some of the most poignant letters of our time, and Shomari gets all dressed up
"The Buck Stops Here" or "The Host With the Most"
A geezer from the 25th century challenges Rand for the hosting spot. Let's get it on!
"The Smackdown Hotel" or "Bloodbath at the House of Jabronie"
Toy Action gets a visit from some angry corporate wrestlers in what is easily the most disturbing episode ever...
"Yellow Snow" or "White Lies"
A mysterious block of ice, a man with a hook, Jennifer Love Hewitt in nothing but yellow hip waders, and my personal favorite Wet Hooters!
"The Truth Is In There" or "A Pod Full of Jello"
A mysterious pod appears and Rand decides to go dimension hopping. Meanwhile, the FBI shows up to investigate a possible murder. Murder? On Action Theater? Why the very thought....